The importance of Puma Pride scores is a topic of debate. These scores assess important behaviors and work habits at Poynette Middle School. Here's a breakdown of what each area covers:
- Treats others with kindness: This assesses how respectful and considerate a student is towards classmates and teachers.
- Follows classroom expectations: This measures a student's ability to adhere to the teacher's rules and routines within the classroom.
- Completes and returns work in a timely manner: This evaluates a student's responsibility in meeting deadlines and submitting assignments on time.
- Puts forth effort to produce high quality work: This assesses a student's dedication to putting in their best effort and striving for good results in their work.
- Follows school rules: This evaluates a student's adherence to the overall rules and expectations of the school.
These are expectations that are so important we report on each student’s progress separately. Our goal is to give students and parents more information about progress in school. The choices that students make on a daily basis can lead to a perfect Puma Pride report which Meets Expectations (ME) in every category for each student.