Healthy meals are crucial to student success. Our School Nutrition program offers many nutritious options for our students. As required by law, the School Board establishes a wellness policy for the School District of Poynette as a part of a comprehensive wellness initiative. The full Wellness Policy is located in the menu link to the left, under Wellness Policy. Parties interested in joining the District's Wellness Committee can reach out to our District Administrator for additional information.
The program operates on a nonprofit basis. The meal and Ala carte prices reflect the amount the district needs to continue to offer this program to our students. The more students that participate equals more funding for the district to support healthy school meals.
The integration of Infinite Campus Food Service with your family’s Infinite Campus Census data and the Parent Portal gives users immediate, secure access to the food service information they need. With this software program, parents/Guardians may access the following information:
- Review food service transactions, such as meal and Ala carte purchases, through the Parent Portal as it is entered on the building-level
- Provide guardians Internet access to their students’ meal selections and the costs incurred from the cafeteria in real time
- Access account balances online
- Receive email notification for low account balances
The School Nutrition Program Information link listed below provides families with detailed information about the school nutrition program for the current school year. Review this information to understand how our program serves our school families. If you have additional questions about school nutrition services, our director's contact information is also listed below.