Act 20 requires each school district to articulate and post an early literacy remediation plan that includes all of the following. The name of the diagnostic reading assessment the school districts uses; a description of the reading interventions the school district uses to address characteristics of dyslexia; a description of how the school district monitors pupil progress during interventions, including the tools used and their frequency; a description of how the school district uses early literacy assessment results to evaluate early literacy instruction; and a description of the parent notification policy that complies with Act 20.
School District of Poynette Early Literacy Remediation Plan
In addition, our district employs Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Support, which in our district, we refer to as RTI, Responsive Teachers Intervene. This system provides equitable services, practices, and resources to every learner based on responsiveness to effective instruction and intervention. In this system, high-quality instruction, strategic use of data, and collaboration interact within a continuum of supports to facilitate learner success. Each school provides varying types of supports at differing levels of intensity to proactively and responsively adjust to the needs of the whole child.
Last Updated: 7/31/24 |