Parents are reminded that any medication taken by students in school must be sent in it's original container from the pharmacy. Parents must sign a medical authorization form for each medication that the child takes. These authorization forms are available in each of the building offices, in the student/parent handbook or click on the link below to open the form. For prescription medication, the prescribing physician must also sign the form. The completed forms may be faxed to the school district at 635-9233, Attention: School Nurse.
Other Important Medication Policy Information:
- Medications must be kept in the office, unless it is a life-saving medication, which can be carried by the student.
- A Medication Consent Form must be completed by parents for all medications. Additionally, a physician’s signature is required for prescription medications.
- Medications must be supplied to the district in the original bottle. Prescription medications must have a proper label on them from the pharmacy.
- Each medication must have it’s own Medication Consent Form properly filled out.
- Siblings may not share medications. Each student must have their own bottle of medication.
- Students may not share medications with other students.
- Medications must be picked up at the end of the school year, as the district will not store them for the summer.
- Students are not to drop off medications to the school. Parents must bring medications into the office.
Medical Consent Form